
Monday, September 13, 2010

Yoga & Stress Relief on the Go: A Review of Deepak Chopra's iPhone Apps

First off, a quick apology for my brief hiatus! I'm not sure where the last few days have gone, but I've been missing the blog and I'm glad to be back. What have you all been up to since Friday?

Now, for the good stuff...

What do you get when you combine beautifully-orchestrated yoga postures with beautifully-designed modern technology?

Deepak Chopra's Authentic Yoga app, featuring Tara Stiles!

I was lucky enough to get free access to this app as well as Chopra's Stress Free program for a little test run. The result? Both are great! I experienced a few technical difficulties, but I think that was mainly due to the fact that I was in an area with low cell reception. This was actually over Labor Day weekend when I was enjoying the awesome Japanese sun room at my friend's place in Indiana. Read more about it here!

Anyway, back to the apps. Let me give you a run down of my thoughts from the Zen Room that day, where I practiced a little yoga, burned some calming incense, listened to the birds in the trees outside, and reflected.

Open mind, open heart. I sat comfortably on a meditation pillow. The breath, in and out. I rested. I was present. I could see. When we are quiet, we begin to see.

Review of Deepak Chopra's Authentic Yoga app featuring Tara Stiles

The verdict: I'd download this. Chopra explains that the vision behind the app is "spreading conscious and compassionate living to as many as possible." I'm down for that! Plus, Tara's beautiful execution of each step leading to effortless-looking asana is, well, breathtaking.

The basics: As its sections are outlined, the app allows you to: understand yoga, learn to practice, complete yoga routines, review poses, and ask questions (which post directly to Chopra's site where he'll get back to you!).

Awesome: I tried out the beginner's headstand video (headstand is still something I'm working on, and I definitely want to master it in time for Spring Teacher Training!). When I loaded up this video, I was able to listen to Chopra's explanation (audio) as I watched Tara execute each move to get to the final posture (set of still photographs). It was great, basic, straightforward info. I also thoroughly enjoyed Chopra's statement that he hopes this app will help yogis "access their highest intuition and awareness, and let go of their fears and insecurities." It's not just a simple instruction manual; there's true spirituality at work behind what you see on the iPhone screen.

What I'd change: While the app provides a great start at getting into yoga, I wish there was a BIG FAT disclaimer at the beginning (it should actually show up before you download and during your use of the program). HEY, BEGINNERS, it should say, DO YOGA IN A CLASS WITH OTHER YOGIS BEFORE YOU USE THIS! Not only from a safety perspective, but also from a community point of view, you should seriously consider making your practice something you share with others. Sure, every asana is completed on a very personal, physical level -- but that doesn't discount the need for a great instructor/mentor in the studio, as well as the support of friends (and the presence of your not-so-favorite people) on the mats around you! You learn so much about yourself from these interactions, from learning not to be distracted by others, and from discovering how you can avoid letting anyone else steal your peace.

You let someone steal your peace; you lose!

Review of Deepak Chopra's Stress Free! app and self-development course

The verdict:

I'd download this. The program walks you through a step-by-step guide for how to reduce stress in your life by understanding personal habits, goals and motives.

The basics: Chopra guides you through a step-by-step program to unlock "keys" to your inner self and let go of fears and anxieties toward areas of your life.

Awesome: The app itself was created with smart advice and practical applications in mind. Chopra offers an interesting and compassionate perspective on how handling stress can help you maintain better health and a happier lifestyle. Plus, his soothing voice just seems to hold a healing power behind those words...

What I'd change: A bit simplistic at times, it can feel like the program doesn't really get you too far into really making significant life changes. But then again -- I only encountered it for an afternoon. I would recommend utilizing the program over a longer period of time -- say a week per topic, so you have time to think on it, perhaps journal, set some goals, and then apply the ideas to your day-to-day activities. You can also sign up for the email newsletter for other reminders and content from Chopra related to the app. The only other slight hitch is that the sound quality is slightly off at a few moments (lower volumes, etc). Give yourself time to download each part before you want to complete it; every key takes a couple minutes before it's ready to use so I'd say plan ahead!

Want to download Chopra's stuff? Go here and here.

Living in NYC? Want another free yoga app? Try YogaLocal NYC.

Interested in another yoga app? Pocket Yoga looks pretty bomb.

Want another opinion? Check out Yoga Dork's review of the apps. And as always, please share your thoughts below!

Man, now I really want one of these babies. Anyone know when the Verizon/iPhone deal's going to go down?

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