
One problem online marketers face when using free
tools is they do a poor job of using them correctly.
I think this lies in the fact that there is no real
investment required upfront. This can be true with the
powerful marketing tool known as Squidoo.
Here are a few tips I can offer you to get more out of
a Squidoo as a marketing tool.
1. Offer a professional appearance. If you have any
1. Offer a professional appearance. If you have any
doubt about what this means look at some of your
competitors and see how they are creating professional
appearances in their own lens.
Free services such as Blogger.com and Squidoo can lead
Free services such as Blogger.com and Squidoo can lead
to poorly designed appearances by their owners.
The result is less time spent by visitors and ultimately
less sales and income to you.
2. Use keywords effectively. Search engines will find your
2. Use keywords effectively. Search engines will find your
pages if you title them correctly and include keyword
phrases in the description. You should also be using
these words in the tags and linking to other sites for
better results.
3. Create a lens of the day. This will keep people interested
3. Create a lens of the day. This will keep people interested
in your page and bring them back in the future.
4. Stay on theme. One advantage to Squidoo is you can
4. Stay on theme. One advantage to Squidoo is you can
create more than one page if you want to venture into
other niches. The critical thing is to stay on theme and
not confuse your readers or search engines with
irrelevant information.
5. Use the answer desk if you have questions. The forum
5. Use the answer desk if you have questions. The forum
is another good place to find helpful information or get
your questions answered.
6. Look over your grammar and spell check. This will
6. Look over your grammar and spell check. This will
reflect poorly on you if there are multiple mistakes.
7. Take advantage of affiliate marketing and create lenses
7. Take advantage of affiliate marketing and create lenses
for your affiliate products. This is an excellent way to
monetize your pages and to make more money. As an
affiliate marketer you do not need to create any of your
own products and many offer excellent compensation plans.
For sure incorporate Google Adsense into them. Also
For sure incorporate Google Adsense into them. Also
join PayPal so you can get paid by Squidoo and other
affiliate programs that pay with them.
8. Use Search Automator for sources of information.
8. Use Search Automator for sources of information.
Avoid using Google as you can get your content spidered
and archived better if you are providing fresh content
from other sources.

These are a few Internet marketing strategies using

These are a few Internet marketing strategies using
Squidoo. You will have learned how to do this, but
once you have learned it is an excellent income
generation tool in traffic generation source!
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