
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Understanding Body Language

Body language has always been important in determining what goes unsaid while communicating with others. It is a clear indicator of whether people actually mean what they say, and we are able to gauge the stance of a person by his/her body language. Understanding body language is important in communication with people who are part of different aspects of our lives. Whether it is a personal relationship or a professional relationship, knowing the intricacies of body language is essential. Not only does it help you understand the opposite person, it helps the opposite person understand a little about you. While it may not be a sure shot method of completely being able to understand someone, it definitely has more value than the verbal proclamations made by people.

Studies have shown that understanding men’s body language is easier for women, than understanding women’s body language by men. This is because women are more receptive to various body language signals, and are able to mark out inconsistencies in verbal communication and body language. On the other hand, men are known for their desire for everything to be explained verbally, than through gestures and body language. For detail follow category Body Language.

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