
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Importance of a Good Cobbler

Dress - Anthro (remixed)
Sweater - Mossimo/Target (friended--Thanks B!)
Tights - LOFT (remixed)
Boots - LOFT (remixed)
Scarf - London Street Vendor (remixed)
Earrings - ? (gifted/remixed)

Today I'm Think Tanking with two of my colleagues and then meeting SME to see a play, so I chose the Twinkle Twinkle dress in order to kill two birds with one stone: focus on work like a superhero and be dressed for our date. I'm also trying to rediscover pieces I haven't worn in awhile, pare down those I won't wear again, and remix those I do regularly wear. (For that reason and the impending February weather, which will guarantee at least 6 days in which the only appropriate clothing is fleece-lined yoga pants and big snow boots, I am taking a pass on Kendi's Winter Edition of 30 x 30).

I've paired the Twinkle Twinkle dress with a black cardigan here, a gray one here, and a lighter gray one here (and on our banner). Last week, I forwent the black and gray palette and paired it with navy blue and more green. Today, I returned to a green, black, and blue palette, but I played with length: adding a longer sweater and black boots. [The Twinkle dress is also available in polka-dot form, although I'm much more partial to the stars]. You may have noticed that these boots have been missing since early December. That was because I broke the heal, but didn't bother to bring them to a cobbler until after the new year. But I find that finding a good cobbler is like finding a good mechanic--it takes awhile!

I'm late to the importance of bringing shoes to the cobbler and clothes to the drycleaner in a regular and timely fashion (hence, the adolescent rodent coat), but I'm getting better at it because I realize that $15 or $30 here and there can really save a lot of time and money in the long run.

Aside from the cobbler, are there other craftsmen/women any of you make a point to see to maintain and care for your wardrobe and accessories?

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