
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

30/30 Finally! Finals & Finale

I wore my last 30x30 outfit on the first day of finals week, which also happened to be the day that I gave my first final exam here.  My students had a take-home essay and a paper revision due for the final exam, and although they were turning them in online I went into campus just in case there were any issues/disasters.  Thanks to Murphy's Law, because I went in for the afternoon, everything went off without a hitch.
 30x30 Items: 4. Plaid Dress - Rabbit Rabbit + 25. Velveteen Blazer - Rafaella + 27. Spectator Oxford Pumps - r2
Accessories: Amethyst Tights - We Love Colors, Polka Dot Tights - Target, Belt - from this dress
Here are some things I have learned doing this challenge.  I am pretty good at remixing - years on a grad student budget will do that to a person.  I do not have the time to take photos on a daily basis -- much less write up a post.  That's okay because I have never envisioned this blog as a daily outfit log or journal.  While I post some of my outfits, I've never felt the need to post all of them, and my goal all along had been more to invite discussion on particular issues that have to do with the intersections of sartorial choices and other issues, particularly those having to do with the strange workplace that is academia.  I certainly enjoy and appreciate comments on particular outfits and welcome those!  However, I want to get back that original mission along with the outfit photos.  If you are only here for the outfits, you may just want to scroll down to the last line....
As an academic I self-fashion myself into and perform the role of researcher, writer, instructor, colleague, advisor, and often all on the same day.  There are few jobs that involve dealing with so many sensibilities on a regular basis.  Not only am I dressing to teach my classes, but I'm also dressing to meet with colleagues and occasionally administrators.  Some of them may have particular feelings and expectations about the dress of their students and colleagues.  Just read the comments on any Chronicle article about attire or hotness, there are clearly academics who believe that students and fellow faculty in miniskirts or baggy pants aren't politically aware.  Some think that a hint of cleavage or a visible tattoo are indicators of an academic lightweight and/or an unworthy colleague.  Yet, others consider the ability to flaunt tattoos and to show a hint of cleavage or to wear trackpants one of the perks of working in academe.  Negotiating this can be fascinating and problematic.  SFE has blogged about her longer hair being a potential marker of her youth and thus potentially one of her inexperience as a teacher in the classroom.  I have blogged about my reticence in wearing skinny jeans or shorter skirts on campus. Herr Doktor and I have dialogued about visible piercings in the academy.

Ultimately who defines what is professional attire in the academy?  Is it women and men and genderqueers with some semblance of agency?  Or are we only barely managing to push against an entrenched patriarchal framework that is part of the legacy of academia's long domination by white men in tweed jackets?  So that's your final exam prompt readers.  You have 1 hour and 50 minutes.

On another note, make sure to stop by tomorrow because we'll be having an awesome giveaway!

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