
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to Spot the Top Marathon Running Shoes

How to Spot the Top Marathon Running Shoes

Author: sneakerdoor

When you plan to join a long distance race, you have to prepare very well for the event and this includes practicing in your marathon running shoes. A good pair of shoes plays a vital role not only in your performance but also in protection against possible injuries and mishaps. It takes a lot of discipline and patience to train for a marathon. You need to prepare yourself physically and mentally, as well. You have to stay focused on your goal.

You have to eat nutritious foods and those that are rich in carbohydrates since these will provide the energy you need in this strenuous activity. You, also, have to hydrate yourself by drinking lots of fluids. Getting enough sleep is, likewise, necessary.Regular practices are a must. You need to get the proper shoes. However, you cannot wear a brand new pair to the marathon since you may acquire blisters. In order to get used to your gear, you have to train in your marathon running shoes. But how would you know what is best to use in your long distance race?In looking for the best marathon running shoes, here are some tips to consider:

1. Flexibility

Since running involves a lot of repetitive moves, your shoes need to be flexible.

2. Stability

Because all runners are prone to different injuries, wearing shoes that provide stability help minimize this possibility. These kinds of shoes have midsoles that have the proper shape and accurate construction measurements.

3. Cushioning

In a race, the impact is about 3 - 5 times the body weight of the runner. In this regard, the shoes you need to use should be capable of cushioning the impact. These shoes have midsoles that, evenly, distribute the impacts.

4. Fit

Your shoes should always fit well at the ankles but must provide enough space for the toes to move without restraint.

In order to be competitive, marathon running shoes should be exceptionally light in weight, less than 250 grams (based on a size 9 male and size 6 female).There are 2 kinds of competitions namely the half marathon and the whole marathon. For both races, the shoes needed must be extremely light, with a slight difference of an additional 50 grams for the whole marathon.There may be a disadvantage, though, for some running shoes that are too light. Since they have less material in their structure, they may not have the vital features mentioned above. So, it would deem wise to take all of these into consideration when buying a pair.You should keep in mind that running shoes have a life span of around 500 to 800 km. When this duration is reached, they need to be replaced since their efficiency will, then, be diminished.

Finding the appropriate marathon running shoes cuts the risk of acquiring injuries by 50%. So, you know by now how important it is in finishing the race and even winning it. It is your most powerful weapon, but only next to your motivation and the goal you want to achieve.

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