
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sexy Bald Men And Why They Have Sex Appeal

Sexy Bald Men And Why They Have Sex Appeal

By Adam Burhan

When a girl looks over a guy as a potential partner, more often than not, his hair is a big consideration. While a lot of women prefer a man with a full head, there are many reasons why sexy bald men make a better choice. Below are just a few arguments for the follicle impaired males.

The first reason is that they are more confident of themselves. The guy probably spent years trying to cover up for his apparent defect, but decided that his hair loss makes him more distinct and unique. Knowing this, bald men tend to carry themselves better, and are not afraid of facing the world.

With that confidence comes a lot of attention. It's not actually their baldness that is the focal point, but the fact they stand out and have a more positive aura about themselves. Women tend to look at the hair first. With that problem out of the way, the women shift to their eyes. Because they are not so focused on their looks, that attention also translates to whoever they are with at that moment. In their eyes, they are not the center of attention, but you.

They also tend to lead a simpler lifestyle. Because they don't have to worry about a bad hair day, they aren't that vain. You won't find dozen of hair care products in his bathroom. Instead, he focuses on keeping clean and neat. That simplicity can make for an attractive guy. Nothing complicated or time consuming. What you see is what you get.

If you've read up on the causes of alopecia, you'll find that it is mostly caused by testosterone. A guy without hair isn't less masculine. In fact the opposite is quite true. A bald man is a manly man. If you want a date that won't back down from a fight, a guy with a shiny top might be the one for you.

That isn't to say that they wont cry during heart-wrenching movies. These men are actually more sensitive because they have learned to empathize. Losing their hair didn't happen overnight. The time it too to slowly accept their fate has made them more open to other people's problems. They are more likely to listen and offer comforting advice than their vain counterparts.

If you take a look at the number of males in show business who exhibit the same problem, you'll find that it's no problem at all. From high explosive action movies, to dramas to comedies, not only do bald men excel, they usually take the leading roles. If these guys in high profile movies can pull it off, there's no reason why the guy next door can't do the same thing. After, it's not the physical characteristics that count, but what the heart can do.

There are many arguments against hair loss, but that shouldn't deter you from choosing guys based solely on their looks. You'll find sexy bald men more often than those who choose to keep their hair neat and straight.

See photos gallery of sexy bald men including John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Tyrese Gibson, and many more on

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Image source: google

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