
Monday, March 7, 2011

Introducing Nicole

All photos courtesy of Nicole Crist.

Who do you know that can dance upside-down like a trapeze artist, is a successful entrepreneur and blogger, and regularly practices yoga in the Big Apple?

No one, right?

Well, think again. Cuz now you've met Nicole Crist, an extraordinary Alive in the Fire sponsored yogi. She does all of these amazing things! 

Nicole stands out among the crowd because she is fearless, fun, and super fit. She always has something passionate (and compassionate) to share on her blog space, and her work as an artist is inspiring.

I'm excited to welcome Nicole to Alive in the Fire and couldn't be more stoked that you'll be hearing lots from her soon. For more info from Nicole about her yoga and her life, read below!


I am a self-employed entrepreneur and love to balance my three businesses while sitting in a toe stand. I am super excited to be a sponsored yogi for Alive in the Fire and passionate about sharing all my sticky Bikram experiences with you! 

Still fairly new to yogi-ism, I can't do a yoga headstand but I can hang upside-down! I am a professional 'aerialista' with my dance company, Altitude Aerials (my favorite biz of the three). I am also a blogger myself, writing about her aerial adventures and living fit, confident and creative on Moving Life Blog

For more about Nicole's business, read here. And yes, you will see her 'hanging around' here quite a bit in the months to come. Welcome, Nicole!

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