
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To write or not write…

So when I first started this blog is was a fun novel thing
to do, it was the “in” thing to do with respect to social media. Well for me it
evolved into a number of things. 
First, I have met some amazing people who have provided
incredible advise over the years some of which has helped me in more ways than
I can explain. 

Second, it has allowed me to express myself without fear. Sure I make typos and grammatical errors, but never was I being judged. I wasable to release my thoughts without “seeing” someone's reaction and that felt
freeing to me. 

As some of you may know I lost my mom in August to cancer,
it was rather quick and an intense time in my life. It opened a Pandora’s box
of sorts with respect to my feelings and emotions about my mom and our
I have toyed (only in my head) with the idea of writing a
book. I have a title already
“A mothers love….the good, the bad and the ugly” 

I want to write this as a way to get all my feelings out and express them my way instead
of the way I have for so many years which is to bottle it up.
Don’t ask me where I will find time; I consistently take on way too much at one time. However, I think this is something I just need to
do. The “book" may never see the light of day but it may be the therapy the Dr ordered.

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