
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekly Works Cited

Since we at Fashionable Academics always enjoy reading the round ups of links that some of our favorite bloggers regularly provide, we decided to unveil a new weekly feature: a round up of posts known as Weekly Works Cited.  Some of the weeks will be thematic, some will be a mish-mash, but they will always include links to posts and articles that have interested and intrigued us over the past week.

Are you a writer or academic who is looking for a way to set realistic goals and accomplish them over the summer months?  If so, Kerry Ann Rockquemore has some fantastic tips for doing so over at Inside Higher Ed.

It's rather too late for all of us, but maybe you could get your PhD in Lady Gaga.

Are you looking for a way to fuel all this writing or specializing in Lady Gaga?  Selfishly Happy suggests a cold brewed coffee that looks divine.  I'm going to have to try it myself next week!

Sarah Von asks what mad skillz do you wish your grandma would teach you.

Archaeologists have found the world's oldest known leather shoe.

Is your closet full of shoes and pants that you never wear and that don't suit your style?  Check out The Glamourous Grad Student's Style Self-Help series.

No SignPosts in the Sea asks if we're using the idea of dressing to express our identity as a means to excuse ourselves from just liking clothes.  The comments are very interesting, as well.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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