What's the guy to girl ratio at your studio like? Do you have a lot of men willing to tough it out in the heat where you practice?
YogaDork recently discovered this awesome NYT article about guys layin' down their mats and kicking some ass. There was also an interesting entry about guys in the Army doing yoga in order to promote strength and stress relief. I love it!
Now if I could only drag the Hubs and my big brother to class... :)
Do you yoga with your guy? Know male friends or teachers at the studio?
I want to hear your story! I am going to feature a story on guys who Bikram in the near future and I'd love for you to be a part of it. I am looking for 3-4 paragraphs about who you know, what their practice is like, their favorite posture, and how Bikram yoga makes them feel like a real man. You can write about someone you know, or have your sexy guy write a little blurb. Feel free to be creative. Have fun. And if you know of anyone, please spread the word!
Comment below your contact info and I will get a hold of you about your story. Photographs highly encouraged, but not required. And if Bikram's not your style, no worries. I'd still love to hear from you.
Coming soon to Alive in the Fire!

Check out this ridiculousness. We fist pump in our fancies after the wedding. Hey, if I can make a fool of myself, so can you!

Check out this ridiculousness. We fist pump in our fancies after the wedding. Hey, if I can make a fool of myself, so can you!
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