
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Money Making Blog

The 4 Cornerstones of
a Money Making Blog
A money making blog involves many aspects that need
to 'come together' in order for you to get paid to blog.
Obviously one of the most important factors is the
amount of blog traffic you are able to generate but it is
really more a matter of how you do this and then what
you do with it that counts. When creating a blog there
are actually 4 areas that need to be considered if you are
blogging to make money that will factor greatly into your

If you intend to get paid to blog there are four cornerstones
you will need to establish.


Every successful blogging site starts with a foundation
of solid, useful and relevant content. Without content
that is of interest or useful to visitors there is little chance
developing a steady stream of blog traffic. Without traffic
there is little reason to even post to the site since nobody
will be reading it therefore it all begins with what your site
contains in terms of content.

Industry Knowledge

Blogging to make money will require either a very good
knowledge of the industry and/or niche you are in or a
passion to learn about it. Previously we spoke of the
importance of content but it is your passion and willingness
to continue your education in the field that will help you
sustain the flow of this content. As you increase your
own knowledge you then pass it along through your
posting on the site.

Community Relationships

Networking out into your community or niche is a great
way to stay connected to any new trends you may have
missed otherwise. The contacts you make within your
niche will also likely lead to improvements on your own
site along with fresh content ideas and additional traffic
through referrals.

The more you network out the greater your exposure
and also the more inbound links you will also gain
as a result.

Develop a Responsive List

No matter what type of platform you are using whether
it is a website or a blogging site, building a list is a very
important component for any online business. The key
here is that you want this list to be responsive otherwise
you are simply wasting both time and effort.

Upon capturing any contact information you should
immediately begin to build a relationship with the new
list members BEFORE you begin promoting to them.
It is the trust you build during this time that will make
your list members more responsive to your promotional

Building a money making blog involves more than simply
generating a healthy amount of blog traffic to your site.
It is in the way the traffic is generated and what you do
with it that will decide your degree of success. The 4
cornerstones you will want to concern yourself with when
creating a blog are reviewed above and will factor
significantly into you're your ability to earn an income.
Blogging to make money does of course call for plenty
of traffic but it will ultimately be the way you sustain
the traffic and what you do with it that will make the
biggest difference.

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