
Monday, June 14, 2010

MLM Sponsor

5 Characteristics Of A Good
MLM Sponsor
There are plenty of people who would be willing to
sponsor you into their MLM business. This gives you
the opportunity to consider who you want to be
involved with. Here are 5 characteristics a good MLM
sponsor will provide.

1. Do they put the emphasis on you and not themselves?
If they're the type of person who is interested in your
goals and your success then they probably will be around
to help you achieve those. If they are the type of person
who wants to talk about themselves all day you need
to question if you really want to be involved with this
type of person?

2. Do they have a proven track record? This doesn't have
to mean they are millionaires in network marketing either.
However if they are moving their business forward, and
can document that, chances are you can learn a lot from
them and they can be of value to you.

3. Do you feel like you are working with a professional?
You can tell this by their own website and blog. You can
tell their professional by how they reply back to an email
question you might be asking them.

Are they willing to chat online with you or pick up the phone
and call you? The Internet certainly affects how people join
businesses, but you still want to work with professionals.

4. You feel like they are the type of people who would solve
problems if you had one? This is a good question especially
with Internet marketing involved today.

Although these people are not your boss they are your
sponsor and you want to feel comfortable they can solve
problems or least steer you in the direction to get your
problems taken care of. Because not everything will work
100% the way you want it having a sponsor who is a
problem solver is important.

5. Do they have some background in MLM businesses?
Today successful network marketers are involved in more
than one opportunity. As a matter of fact it is possible to
work multiple opportunities and this might actually be to your
benefit when you choose the right sponsor.

Not only can you make money on the opportunity that you
are joining them with now, you may be able to join them
in other opportunities and make even more money.

These are a few things I would look for in a good MLM
sponsor. People who have these characteristics are attractive
as a sponsor and ultimately will help you become the kind
of sponsor you want to be as well. Luckily all of these skills
are things you can learn to do more effectively.

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