
Monday, June 7, 2010

List Building

Why List Building is Important in
Internet Businesses
You may have heard this saying: The Money Is In The
List many times online from both affiliates and gurus
in regard to list building. This saying is partly true and
party false. True in the sense that money comes from
the list. False in the sense that money comes only
from the list of customers. So in order to make money
from list building, you need to have a list of customers.
Makes sense?

That is precisely why list building is important and crucial
to all internet business owners whether they are just
starting out or have been marketing for some time.
Just like a human body needs blood and oxygen to survive,
internet business owners needs a list of customers to
enjoy long-term success. Without list building, all the other
methods of internet marketing as in articles, blogs,
classified ads, domain name registration etc are practically

List building is also where you drive traffic to your website
before converting them into customers. However even
before that, you need a list of right people for the
product you are promoting. And in order to do that,
you need to do research on both the markets and keywords
that people frequently typed into search engine toolbar
such as Google, MSN and Yahoo. This is to find out
what most people want or need or their common problems.
Once you have done that, find a product that best suits
their needs and come up with a set of keywords related
to that product. The best way to do this is to use
Google keyword tool.

After you have found a common market niche, the
relevant product and keywords, begin your first step
of list building by creating a landing page or a blog.
For landing page, you need to buy a domain name and
web hosting account while blogs are free to obtain at
either Blogger or WordPress. Do a Google search and
you can easily find them to set up your free accounts.

For the next step of list building, begin your article with
the common problems faced by most people before
assuring and giving them a solution. Do not sell them
anything at this point. Instead give them a gift in the
form of a free report, ebook and even the first video
if you are promoting an ecourse. Finally towards the
end, create an optin box for people to fill in their
names and email addresses so that they can get
the gift.

For the final step of list building, you need an
auto responder to give them the free gift or follow
up with them via emails in case they do not want to
give their particulars at that point. I strongly recommend
Aweber or Getresponse. Though they charges a monthly
fee, the value they provides in helping you to reach out
to them quickly is worth it.

This is the entire process of list building. Find out their
problems or what they want, matchmade them with a
product, coming up with keywords to that product and
create a blog or squeeze page with an optin box via
auto responder to give them the gift. Once they submitted
their details, you have just built a list of people for that
product in that particular niche.

Before you even bring your list building, you can write
an article as I am doing now. You can even write about
other products or topics like affiliate programs,
business opportunities, home-based businesses,
creating websites or anything you are passionate about.
It can be your hobby or your memorable experiences
with certain things in your life. You may also consider
coming up with an ebook or videos like the ones you see
on Youtube.

But the important thing is to get people interested in
what you are promoting and take action. That is why list
building is so important in internet businesses.

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