There is a secret to success with any home based or internet
business. Most people don't do it and that's why 90%
of home business owners fail in their first year. That's
because they do everything right, but this one thing.
This thing is the #1 secret to success in home business.
A wise man once told me, "Most people already know what
A wise man once told me, "Most people already know what
to do, they just don't do what they know."
Most people already know what this secret is. They say that
Most people already know what this secret is. They say that
they even understand it and do it, but in all reality, they
don't. I'm talking about the most simple and basic element
of business that also happens to be the most feared and
least executed part. What is the great secret?
FOLLOW-UP and CLOSE the deal!

It really is that simple, yet most people won't do it. Why?
FOLLOW-UP and CLOSE the deal!
It really is that simple, yet most people won't do it. Why?
They won't do it because with every sales offer, there comes
a time for the prospect to accept or reject the offer. This
happens during the follow-up and close.
You might think that home business owners and internet
You might think that home business owners and internet
marketers would want to face the exciting chance that
someone might say, "Yes!" But as excited as they might
be for the "yes," they are even more subconsciously
fearful of the "no."
Some of you might be thinking, "I got into Internet
Some of you might be thinking, "I got into Internet
Marketing so I didn't have to follow-up and close my

Well, there are ways to have your system do the follow-up
Well, there are ways to have your system do the follow-up
and close for you, but you need a good coach that can walk
you through setting up something like that. But even
then, you will always have a much higher closing ratio if
you will pick up the phone and make a courtesy follow-up
call, answer questions, and then invite your prospect to
make a purchase.
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