
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dreaming of the Future: Bikram Teacher Training

So as you may or may not know, I'm about to graduate from Northwestern University with a degree in English (creative writing), which means I'm at that time in my life where everybody's asking:

what's next?
what are your plans?
where are you going from here?

I'm hoping to do someday is embark on the yoga adventure of a lifetime -- 9 weeks in the torture chamber with Boss himself! -- and then make a lifestyle of teaching others how to live and breathe Bikram.

It's true: I can't wait to be one of those little 747s taking off in the crowded hot room someday. And right now, I have faith that it will happen... it's just a question of when.

So, have you completed teacher training? If so, first let me say I'm so excited you've encountered this blog! I hope it resonates, prompts you to contemplate your practice in new ways, challenges you, inspires you, and helps you have a good time thinking about your Bikram adventures.

I also hope you'll share it with others, inviting them to offer their ideas and feedback as well!

And if you're an active and enthusiastic instructor, I'd love your thoughts on your TT experience...
  • First and foremost, how did you survive?
  • Best moment? Worst?
  • What was your strategy for keeping in touch with family, friends and loved ones during training?
  • How did friends and family react when you announced you wanted to adopt the yoga teacher lifestyle?
  • Did you do any fundraising prior to training? I mean, $10,000 ain't cheap... (I'm hoping to apply for a scholarship myself!)
  • Anything in particular you couldn't live without during training?
  • Best Bikram quotes/ memories?
  • Did you have a job lined up prior to training? How did you manage the transition toward teaching?
  • Anything else?

Photo Via Roz Yoga Training.

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