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Rain of MONEY
Ten Ways of Reducing Your Crisis Vulnerability
by: Jonathan Hemus
No organisation is immune to crisis. That’s a fact. But it’s wrong to assume crises are always random, unpredictable or simply “acts of God”. The truth is that there are things you can do to significantly reduce the possibility of your organisation suffering a crisis. And when you consider that a mis-handled crisis can have a major financial impact on a business, why wouldn’t you take the following steps to make your organisation less vulnerable to crisis?
Here are the ten ways of reducing you crisis vulnerability.
1. Conduct a reputational risk assessment
Conducting a regular - at least annual - reputational risk assessment not only reduces your chances of being blind-sided by a damaging incident, it also provides the stimulus for actions to reduce their likelihood and/or impact.
2. Conduct a reputational risk assessment - with a difference
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire
A Specialist Blog Manager
For Your Business Blog
A lot of people of all ages have been hooked into blogging.
Among the popular blogging platforms are Blogger and Wordpress.
The experience of blogging is like taking the whole dear diary
thing into the next level.
With the advancement in technology, blogging is the next
best thing to writing in leather-bound journals. With blogging,
people can express their thoughts and feelings.
Of course, there's the whole privacy issue.
Surprisingly, nobody seems to mind that
a lot of people get to view their blogs as well.
Over the recent years since its advent, blogging have come
a long way from just being a medium of expression for people.
Blogs have been utilized by organizations, fans and
even businesses. However, the idea of using business blogs
is no longer a unique idea.
A lot of business owners in the same market niche are
also in the same page in promoting their businesses online.
The competition is tough. Blogs must be updated regularly to
keep more followers from visiting.
A specialist blog manager would really help a lot in managing
your business blog and here are 5 reasons why.
The competition with other business blogs in the same
market niche is high. This means that you really have
to go neck to neck against your competitors to gain
more customers and secure more sales.
You simply cannot leave your blog as it is or your
followers and other potential customers will find nothing
interesting in it, and you lose your sales.
A specialist blog manager will be there to continuously
update your business blog.
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