During my early years in grad school, an older colleauge took my work to task and then later asked me if I spent all of my time accessorizing. In my defense, it was the first time I had ever tried to use quantitative methods in historical research and there was a bit of a steep learning curve for integrating statistical analysis into historical writing. One of my friends, who is also very stylish, was told by her advisor that she and I were the most non-academic academics that he had ever known. Another time, a former student wrote to me and told me that I was the hottest, best dressed, coolest TA he had ever had at Big State School and, even though he was sure I would shoot him down, he just had to ask me out. One other instance I have to offer is the weird email that I received from a student about my boots. I shrugged it off as a compliment, but without context, it seemed strange to me.
So let's help Katie out with her research. Have you ever felt like your personal style has made your colleagues or professors take you less seriously? Have you ever felt that it contributed to an awkward situation with a student? If you are not an academic, do you feel that you are judged in your line of work for the way you dress? Is your profession fashion friendly or fashion phobic?
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